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City managers and government agencies worldwide are faced with never-ending battles to protect their citizens from the effects of dust pollution. Fighting dust pollution with constant watering is an outdated method of dealing with a problem that can be much more easily and less expensively solved with an initial application of TopSeal and occasional reapplications as needed

Base stabilization

Department of Transportation field-testing revealed that Top-Seal White's strength capabilities are comparable to cement stabilization. Other tests have shown that U.S. environmental standards are significantly exceeded in Top-Seal White's resistance to moisture. Top-Seal White is easily accommodated into routine construction procedures with no requirement for special equipment or handling precautions

A close-up view of a road base with heavy traffic prior to treatment with Top-Seal White

The same segment is shown six weeks after treatment with the product. Even after exposure to the extremes of heavily loaded haul trucks, military-tracked vehicles, and severe weather conditions, there are no visible signs of damage or deterioration in roads treated with Top-Seal


Many unpaved roads throughout the world have been improved with Top-Seal White. The product is simply added to water and distributed into a road base during normal construction or reconstruction procedures. A final overcoat is applied as a finishing touch, and with occasional maintenance applications, the road will remain permanently stabilized and free from dust pollution. In the end, there is a tremendous savings by eliminating the need for asphalt or other types of wearing surfaces, and by the reduction of maintenance repairs or reconstruction efforts

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